Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Façade

By golly, you're back again. Just in time for Christmas, too. I suppose I should say it, in loud colors and absurdly large font: 

Merry Christmas

There you go. Now you've got your holiday feels, and I hope you do, because I sure don't. I was planning on making this a nice and cheerful Christmas-y post, until a cold grabbed hold of me and now here I am, sitting amidst a mountain of tissues while typing furiously and pointlessly into the night. 

What can I say? I'm in a terrible mood. 

I also just finished this year's Doctor Who Christmas special, which definitely lives up to its name because it was, indeed, special. Too special, in fact, and not in a good way. I won't go on about it anymore than that; Whovians, you already know the basic details. 

So, aside from a cold, drinking spoiled milk, running out of cookies and bacon, and getting my emotions played with, I guess I'll be all right. Once I hack through my enormous stack of winter break homework, that is. And that's not going to happen anytime soon if I continue using the internet as a time machine-which can only go forwards in time.

Anyway, I think I'll try talking about something other than my own pathetic week. I wonder if people actually have movie Christmases; you know, white city, family Christmas dinner complete with pies and a turkey, exchanging gifts, and singing Christmas carols. I never really had the traditional kind of Christmas, since where I used to live, the only sign of Christmas is holiday sales. I live in California now, so Christmas here is 25 degrees Celsius with blue skies and a -200% chance of snow. Heck, I even went to the beach today. 

Movie Christmases sound nice, except I don't like turkey. Or family gatherings. God, I hate family gatherings. Do you know what it's like to be Asian and having a clan for a family? It's pretty much relatives making you feel terrible when you don't remember who they are. And look, I'm off track again. 

There's a caramel apple that's been rotting on my desk for a few days now, but that's pretty much the only sign of Christmas here other than the date at the bottom right corner of my computer screen. For some reason, with or without a cold, I just don't feel like Christmas is here yet. Maybe it's because 2013 has been an awesome year. Maybe it's because changing '13 to '14 is much harder than changing '12 to '13. 

Happy holidays, guys. I hope all you socks (including Christmas ones) had a fantastic year and are having a much better Christmas than I am. And if, sadly, you're not, I hope you're pulling off the perfect Christmas façade. Now, here's my gift to you: 

Christmas Cookies

"And now it's time, for one last bow 
Like all your other selves, eleven's hour is over now
The clock is striking twelves." 

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